Enums, Flags & Primitives

Currently we provide three flavors of user-defined primitives. All three types are declared in a similar manner.

primitive Types

primitive Distance: f32 {
    Meter       = 1
    Kilometer   = 1000

fn main() {
    assert(1000 * Distance.Meter == Distance.Kilometer)
    return 0

primitive declarations introduce new types that behave like strong typedefs of the underlying base primitive. Values of the base-type are not assignable to the new primitive, and vice versa. The new type is only convertible from its base-type.

User-defined primitive types inherit all arithmetic and bitwise operations supported by their base types.

enum Types

enum MyScopedEnum: u8 {
    A = 0

fn main() {
    assert(MyScopedEnum.B.u8 - MyScopedEnum.A.u8 == 1)
    return 0

enum types behave much like scoped enums in C++. We do not support Rust and Swift-like data-carrying enums yet. The default base-type for enum is u8.

enum types do not support any arithmetic or bitwise operations, whatever their base type.

flags Types

flags MyFlags: u16 {

fn main() {
    assert(u16(MyFlags.FlagA | MyFlags.FlagB) == 3)
    return 0

flags declarations behave much like [Flags] enums in C#. They introduce a new user-defined bitfield type.

Unlike an enum, a flags value is intended to be used as a mask, possibly containing zero, one, several or all of the members of its type. To that end, flags members are automatically numbered as powers of two, starting at 1, which makes them suitable for masking and bitwise operations, which they support.