Lexical Scope & Shadowing

Functions can be nested within each other, and child functions see every definition visible at the point of their declaration.

Parent function locals are always captured by reference, which is most similar to the behavior of closures in a language like JavaScript.

struct Node { items: Node[] }

fn count(node: Node) {
    mut count = 0

    fn visit(shadow node: Node) {

    return count

fn main() {
    let tree = Node(items: [ Node(), Node() ])
    assert(tree.count == 3)
    return 0

We do not have real closures, as nested functions are not allowed to escape their parents. The code above is simply desugared into:

struct Node { items: Node[] }

fn visit(node: Node, ref count: int) {
    for (mut i = 0; i < node.items.len; i++)

fn count(node: Node) {
    mut count = 0
    return count

fn main() {
    let tree = Node(items: [ Node(), Node() ])
    assert(tree.count == 3)
    return 0

Lexical scoping can unite various language constructs into unique and interesting combinations, for example:

fn reduce(array: <T>[], reducer, mut init!state?: T) {
    for (mut i = array.len; i --> 0; )
        state = reducer(array[i], state)

    return state

fn parent_fn(array_of_T: <T>[]) {

    // A private type visible within child functions:
    struct ChildType { raw: T }

    let array_of_ChildType = array_of_T.map(|v| ChildType(v))

    // An overloaded operator that mucks around with lexical scope:
    mut number_of_additions_performed = 0

    infix fn +(a: ChildType, b: ChildType) {
        return ChildType(a.raw + b.raw)

    // Using the overloaded operator within a generic child fn:
    fn sum(array: _[]) = reduce(array, |a, b| a + b)

    // ... note that summing the ChildType array is impure:
    let actual = sum(array_of_ChildType).raw
    //           ^^^ as it increments the counter above

    assert(actual == sum(array_of_T)
        && number_of_additions_performed == array_of_T.len)

    return actual

fn main() parent_fn([ 1, 2, 3 ]) - 6

Segue Into Dynamic Scoping

Imagine the basic lexical scoping example above was something larger, such that it needed to be split apart into multiple functions, perhaps across several files, making lexical scoping impractical:

struct Node { items: Node[] }

fn visit_each(items: Node[], ref count: int) {

fn visit(node: Node, ref count: int) {

fn count(node: Node) {
    mut count = 0
    return count

fn main() {
    let tree = Node(items: [ Node(), Node() ])
    assert(tree.count == 3)
    return 0

Note how we need to pass ref count: int around, which is repetitive and cumbersome.

When unable to benefit from lexical scoping, we can achieve similar terseness by using implicit argument passing:

struct Node { items: Node[] }

fn visit_each(items: Node[]) {

fn visit(node: Node, implicit ref count: int) {

fn count(node: Node) {
    implicit mut count = 0
    return count

fn main() {
    let tree = Node(items: [ Node(), Node() ])
    assert(tree.count == 3)
    return 0
